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Psychological First Aid

Anchor 1
2024 March 9-10 Sat-Sun 9am-4:30pm (Airdrie)
COST: 225.00 includes online modules and 2 day  workshop. Minimum 8 participants

The use of Psychological First Aid in supporting the emotional, psychological, and social well being of communities is a top priority. Individuals suffering from high stress levels, burnout, addictions, self-harm and suicidal thoughts (and actions) are at an all-time high in areas such as workplaces, schools, indigenous communities and among professional responders. The Red Cross Psychological First Aid Program broadens the focus of training from a crisis-centered approach to one of resiliency-building, which is more effective at improving outcomes for individuals and others in their care.  The program uses the latest evidence-based research, with case-based learning that focuses on self-care, personal protection, loss, trauma and stress. The Red Cross Psychological First Aid Program also supports and complements other existing wellness education programs.


Program content:

Recognizing the common signs of stress, once recognizing the signs, it is important to listen and reflect on how this is manifesting within yourself or others.

Psychological First Aid includes links to  common support systems in place to help cope with:


  • Stress: Physical, Mental, Emotional

  • Stress: Spiritual, Behavioural, Interpersonal

  • Community disasters (flood, fire, storm damage)

  • Culture and Society crisis

  • OPIOD overdose

  • Addictions and self-harm




  1. Online component: “Self-Care” (45-90 min)

  2. Online component: “Caring for others” (45-90 min)

  3. Scheduled in-class session (8 hours) following the online component. The in-class component involves activities and case-studies workshop designed to teach participants how to manage self and others through a crisis.

  4. Completion includes a certificate of Psychological First Aid valid for 3 years



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